Communication at the French Doctoral days of socio-economic studies, École des Mines, Paris, 2024.
Session Managing the Economy
Title: The Borrowing Policy of the ECSC: Supranational Debt, European integration and the Financialisation of the economy
This communication focused on the implementation of the European Coal and Steel Community borrowing policy.
Communication at the national congress of the French political science association, Science Po, Grenoble, 2024.
Session Industrial Policies and the role of State
Title: Financing Industries on a Community Scale: the ECSC’s Borrowing Policy
Communication at the workshop Regulation, State and Capitalism, University of Lille, 2024.
Title: European Institutitions and Financial Markets: the Borrowing Policy of the European Commission (1970-1980)
Communication at the Alcide de Gasperi Research Centre Seminar, European University Institut, Florence, Italy, 2024.
Title: The European borrowing policy before the euro area : a comparison between the ECSC and the EEC
Communication at the ITI MAKErS summer school, Strasbourg, 2023.
Title: The Use of Archives in an Institutionnalist Perspective : The Case of the European Borrowing Policy of the European Coal and Steel Community